10 Proven Ways to Get More Automotive Leads

If you’re in the automotive industry and you’ve been wondering how to get more leads, you’ve come to the right place.

You know how difficult it can be to find new leads. Fortunately, there are many ways to generate automotive leads that’ll result in more customers for your business.

That’s why I’ve taken the time to curate a list of 10 excellent methods for generating automotive leads. I’ve included a brief explanation of each method, how to do it, and an estimate of how much it will cost.

This article will teach you how to get more automotive leads.

10 Proven Ways to Get More Car Industry Leads

Offer a Free Consultation

If your business offers any type of automotive service, you can contact customers in your service area and offer them a free consultation to determine what they need.

If you’re not confident in your ability to diagnose and repair their car, you can refer them to an experienced automotive technician who can. You’ll also gain a good reputation as an automotive professional in your community.

Call the customers in your service area and offer them a free consultation. Ask them a few questions and help them determine if your service is the right fit for them.

Most of your potential customers will appreciate that you took the time to show interest in them and take the time to talk to them. Reach out to your local newspapers to advertise your free consultation.

Reach out to Your Existing Customers

The first step to generating automotive leads is to reach out to your existing customers. In order to do that, you need to know who your customers are.

To figure that out, you need to go to the About Us section of your website and see who’s visiting the site. Make a list of the names of the customers, along with what website they’re coming from and when they were there.

In order to reach out to these customers, you need to learn what makes them tick. Learn what they’re interested in so you can gain insight into what they’re looking for.

In order to do that, you’ll need to spend a fair amount of time chatting with customers on forums or with them via email. Many times, the conversation will lead to a conversion.

Post a List of Deals

This method can easily be adapted to other industries. Many times, you’ll find that someone else is already doing this. For instance, you might find an electronics store advertising a “Buy 1, Get 1 Free” promo.

After the person completes their purchase, you should follow up with them to get a referral, if they’re interested.

Another example of this method is when you find a reputable and trustworthy business, like a used car dealer.

They might be running a promotion where they’ll refer one lucky customer to you for the next car they buy.

You’ll be able to take advantage of that. Post a Useful Blog There are thousands of blogs on the Internet that feature everything from car reviews to articles that explain the ins and outs of various functions.

Create a Video

Automotive buyers like to watch videos. They’re generally more interested in product demonstrations and talking to a person in the video than reading a long paragraph or watching a video without sound.

However, if you’re not producing videos of yourself, you’ll need to find a way to promote them.

That’s where video advertising can really help. Companies like Autobytel and other websites will provide video advertising that converts your car-buying audience into leads.

I like using Facebook Ads to promote these videos. I’ll run a test run that generates 10 videos at a cost of $15. That’s not much. But it gets the job done.

You can test different audiences and the conversion rates to get an idea of how effective the ad will be.

Offer a Free Gift

As soon as you begin doing lead generation for a business, you need to get your name out there. That means giving out free gifts.

At first, most people will just think you’re a pushy salesman who wants to take their money. Fortunately, most people are polite and will appreciate your offer.

From travel apps to gift cards to the latest tech, many people like free gifts. In fact, there are some studies that have shown that people will opt to be part of a research study that has free gifts in exchange for their participation.

Those are the types of gifts that you should focus on giving away. Ask People to Refer a Friend Your friends are another huge source of leads. You can help your friends find their next car, or you can help them save money.

Offer a Free eBook

The best way to generate automotive leads is to make something for free that people are interested in. I’m talking about an eBook.

You can write it in a number of different formats, or you can use a software program to create a video. However, you make the content, though, make it free.

Most people in the automotive industry (or people interested in cars in general) are interested in getting more knowledge.

Creating a free eBook is a great way to do this. If you don’t already have a newsletter or social media page that sells your products or services, you should start one.

This is a good opportunity to generate a bunch of extra leads, and your potential customers can get free materials in the process.

Offer a Free Valuation

Automotive businesses should be prepared to receive leads. But most people aren’t willing to give away their most valuable information for free.

If you’re in the automotive industry and you want to generate new leads, give them a free estimate on a car or truck.

A study by Triton Marketing Group revealed that 31 percent of people would be willing to provide a full-blown valuation, like one online or from a dealership.

A full valuation typically costs from $100 – $1,500, so if you give one to someone, you should receive a number of leads.

Send Out Automotive Catalogues:

If you aren’t a website owner or you don’t have any website content, you should be preparing an Automotive Catalog. An automotive catalog is a form of marketing that’s been around for decades.

Have a Trade-in

Sure, you might have a customer in mind. And you may even have the ability to negotiate a lower price for them.

But that customer may be willing to drive across town and pay cash. So if you’re having trouble generating leads, trade in your vehicle and get a few new ones. You’ll have two ways of making the trade.

The first method is in person. You can meet with the customer and negotiate the final price of their trade-in.

Once you’ve reached an agreement, you can present them with the money and they can bring their vehicle to the dealership.

The second method is through a trade-in app. Many dealerships offer trade-ins through these apps. You can search for local dealerships in your area and see which trade-in apps they use.

Offer Discounts

Customers love deals and if you’re in the automotive industry, you know it’s more than just a phrase. People are busy and if you offer a discount to a customer, you’ll get a response quickly.

Here are three ways to create deals for customers: Offer a discount when the customer buys a certain vehicle.

Offer a discount if the customer buys from you for the first time.

Offer a discount if the customer buys from you every time they buy something from you.

The key is that you’re offering a discount to the customer, but you don’t mention how much or how often.

Some people want to buy cars and they can’t really imagine how difficult it is to go to the dealership. For these people, you should consider offering in-home visits.

Offer a Free Quote

People often want to shop for a vehicle without making an investment. If you’re in the automotive industry, you know how easy it is to save money if you have a vehicle in your possession.

A lot of people have their vehicles already, and they’d like to sell them or trade them in to receive a big money-saving deal.

You can give them that deal by giving them a free quote. In order to do this, you’ll need to understand a little bit about the buyers and sellers you’ll be working with.

This means that you need to do a little bit of research on your prospective customers. Once you get a grasp on who they are and how they work, you’ll know exactly how to structure your offers.


There is no doubt all of the above methods are tested and proven from time to time to increase automotive leads but there is one thing that supersedes all of them in terms of cost per lead and maximum leads generated from a campaign.

Want to know about this technique? It is none other than using digital mediums to generate leads.

Doing cold calling, utilizing live chat support, doing engaging posts on social media are some of the techniques that HiredSupport adopts to generate highly qualified leads for its clients.

Of course, as a showroom owner, you are busy with other things and probably do not have enough time to create a compelling strategy to generate regular and quality automotive leads.

You can easily outsource your automotive leads to HiredSupport’s lead generation service.

We are offering a Free 7 Day Trial so that you do not have to worry about spending your money on testing an outsourced service. Hire our agents for free, see our quality and then decide yourself.

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