Top Inbound Appointment Setter Companies
September 11, 2024
Top 10 Inbound Appointment Setter Companies

Hiring an inbound appointment setting company is smart for business owners looking to scale effectively. Studies show that outsourcing inbound appointments can reduce costs by up to 50% compared to hiring in-house teams. Not only do you save on salaries,

Top Database Management Companies
September 11, 2024
Top 10 Database Management Companies

Database management outsourcing is increasingly becoming a strategic choice for businesses seeking to optimize costs and maintain focus on core operations.  In 2023, the average salary for an in-house data professional ranged from $85,000 to $120,000 annually, while outsourcing a

Offshoring vs Outsourcing A Guide for Businesses
September 5, 2024
Offshoring vs. Outsourcing: A Simple Guide for Businesses in 2024

Two key strategies often help companies scale operations and cut costs: outsourcing and offshoring. Many businesses outsource specific functions to BPO firms within their own country or choose offshoring, in which they relocate entire operations to a low-income country. According

Top Multilingual BPO Companies
September 5, 2024
Top 10 Multilingual BPO Companies

Businesses need to communicate effectively with customers across different languages and cultures. Multilingual BPO companies have become essential for companies looking to scale internationally, with 89% of global consumers expecting brands to offer localized customer service.  Studies show that businesses

Top Data Processing Outsourcing Companies
September 5, 2024
Top 10 Data Processing Outsourcing Companies

The global outsourcing costs average up to 70% lower than in-house processing, data processing outsourcing companies save business owners significant money. Companies are often able to reduce operational expenses by 30% to 40% simply by outsourcing data processing tasks.  Yet,

Top Virtual Assistant Companies in the USA
September 5, 2024
Top 10 Virtual Assistant Companies in the USA

Running a business can be overwhelming, with endless tasks pulling you in every direction. However, hiring a virtual assistant company in the USA might be the best decision for your bottom line.  Many businesses are discovering that virtual assistants save

Top Shopify Support Agencies
September 5, 2024
Top 10 Shopify Support Agencies

As your Shopify store expands, customer service becomes key in helping keep the clients satisfied. If you are operating across different regions, the ticket volume increases which means an increase in opportunities that you don’t want to miss out on. 

Top Payment Processing Companies
September 5, 2024
Top 10 Payment Processing Companies

Payment processing outsourcing makes sense for companies looking to scale efficiently and keep operational costs low. The average in-house processing team costs around $60,000 annually, while outsourcing can drop that down to as low as . That’s up to a

Top Tech Companies in Colorado
September 4, 2024
Top 10 Tech Companies in Colorado

Outsourcing tech tasks has become an increasingly popular strategy among business owners looking to save costs while accessing top-tier expertise. Studies show that working with tech companies in Colorado can reduce costs by up to 60%, allowing businesses to focus

Top Market Research Outsourcing Companies
September 3, 2024
Top 10 Market Research Outsourcing Companies

Market research is the backbone of any business strategy, but doing it in-house can be costly and time-consuming. According to studies, outsourcing market research can save businesses anywhere from 20% to 50% on costs compared to building an internal team. 

September 3, 2024
Top 10 IT Staffing Companies in the USA

IT staffing companies offer a cost-effective and time-saving solution for employers looking to fill specialized tech roles. According to industry studies, companies that partner with IT staffing agencies save up to 60% in recruitment costs compared to traditional hiring methods.

Everything You Need to Know: Call Center Pricing Guide 2024
August 19, 2024
Call Center Pricing Guide 2024: Everything You Need to Know!

In the USA, call center services generally cost between $26 and $30 per hour for standard support. For more specialized assistance, such as tier 2 tech support, rates can rise to $30 to $50 per hour.  In contrast, nearshore services

Top Call Centers in Denver
August 13, 2024
Top Call Centers in Denver [Updated 2024]

Call centers in other regions of the USA may charge $30-$35 per hour, Denver-based call centers typically offer their services for around $20-$25 per hour, potentially saving businesses up to 30% on operational costs.  These call centers and voice services

Top 10 Inbound Call Center Services in Tampa
August 13, 2024
Top 10 Inbound Call Center Services in Tampa

Outsourcing inbound call center services in Tampa can significantly benefit businesses in two key areas: cost savings and customer satisfaction. Studies have shown that companies can reduce operational costs by up to 60% when outsourcing compared to managing an in-house

Top Call Centers in New york city
August 13, 2024
Top Call Centers in New York City

Outsourcing to call center services and voice services in New York is a smart choice for businesses looking to save money and boost efficiency.  According to recent data, businesses that outsource their customer service save up to 50% on operating

Top Call Centers in Houston
August 13, 2024
Top Call Centers in Houston [Updated 2024]

Outsourcing call center and voice services to Houston can be a smart move for businesses. By handing over these operations, companies can significantly reduce costs. For instance, hiring a call center agent in Houston typically costs around , a fraction

Top Call Centers in Wisconsin
August 13, 2024
Top 10 Call Centers in Wisconsin

Want to save money and time for your business? Using a call center can help! Companies that let other people handle their customer calls can save a lot of cash - up to 50%. Wisconsin has some really good call

Top Survey Companies
August 12, 2024
Top 10 Survey Companies in 2024

Outsourcing to survey companies can save your business a lot of money and provide access to a large talent pool. For example, hiring a survey company can be up to 60% cheaper than managing surveys in-house. Plus, these companies have

Top BPO Companies in Salem
August 12, 2024
Top BPO Companies in Salem

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has emerged as a strategic solution, offering a range of services from customer support to finance and accounting. Statistics reveal that outsourcing can lead to cost savings of up to 60%, enabling businesses to allocate resources

Top BPO Companies in Nebraska
August 12, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Nebraska

Call center companies are great at helping businesses handle customer service efficiently. For example, outsourcing to a call center in Nebraska can save money and provide top-notch service.  Companies like HiredSupport, have their virtual office in Nebraska and agents worldwide

Top 10 Call Center Companies in Colorado Springs
August 5, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Colorado Springs

Outsourcing to a call center company in Colorado Springs is a smart move. For example, HiredSupport has its virtual office in Colorado Springs but employs agents from around the world starting at just . Many business owners think about outsourcing

How Much Does a Business Phone System Cost in 2024?
July 30, 2024
How Much Does a Business Phone System Cost in 2024?

A business phone cost is dependent upon the type and the features of the device you need, but on average, a basic business phone system costs about $90 per month, while a more advanced system for larger companies costs around

Top Call Center Solutions for Small Business
July 30, 2024
Top Call Center Solutions for Small Business

Your in-house salespeople are exceptional; they know your product inside out. We understand that. However, as your business expands, scaling your team accordingly can be difficult, especially for startups where founders and early employees manage sales.  If your sales team

Top 10 Call Center Companies in Michigan
July 29, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Michigan

Call center companies are very effective, and here's why: numbers show that businesses using call centers can handle 50% more customer calls and improve customer satisfaction by 30%.  When you outsource to a call center in Michigan, you tap into

Top 10 Call Center Companies in Oregon
July 25, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Oregon

Call center companies are very effective, and here's why! Imagine a company that handles 100 calls per day. If each call takes 10 minutes, that’s 1,000 minutes or over 16 hours of work. This is time wasted on repetitive tasks

Top 10 Call Center Companies in Arizona
July 25, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Arizona

Businesses seeking to level up customer service while reducing costs can find a winning solution in Arizona call centers. These centers offer access to a wider talent pool for high-quality service, with some providers like HiredSupport providing virtual agents in

top 10 call center companies in San Antonio
July 25, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in San Antonio

Tired of managing your call center in-house? Consider outsourcing to service providers based in San Antonio. These companies can slash your costs and connect you with a talented workforce.  Imagine reducing expenses by 30%, like businesses partnering with HiredSupport. San

Top 10 Call Centers in Chicago
July 25, 2024
Top 10 Call Centers in Chicago

As a business owner, do you want to save money and improve your customer service? Outsourcing to a call center in Chicago could be the answer. Chicago has skilled workers who can handle your customer calls and emails. Plus, it's

Top 10 BPO Companies in Georgia
July 22, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Georgia (Updated 2024)

Outsourcing is a smart way for businesses to save money and get more done. For example, hiring a worker in the USA costs around $55,000 a year, but hiring someone from a business process outsourcing company in Georgia can cost

Top 10 Call Center Companies in California
July 21, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in California

Outsourcing your customer service to a call center company in California can save your business both time and money. For example, outsourcing can cut your costs by up to 70% compared to maintaining an in-house team. However, many business owners

Top 10 Call Center Companies in Indiana
July 21, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Indiana

Call center companies are great for businesses because they help save money and find talented people. When you compare actual numbers, outsourcing to a call center can save a business up to 60% in costs.  For example, HiredSupport offers top

Top 10 BPO companies in Atlanta
July 19, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Atlanta

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is like teamwork on a global scale. BPO companies take care of tasks for other companies, like answering customer calls or managing payroll. But why do companies choose BPO? Let’s look at the numbers! Studies show

Top BPO companies in Dallas
July 18, 2024
Top 10 Call Center Companies in Dallas

Running a business can be costly, especially when it comes to hiring employees. The solution is outsourcing to call centers based in Dallas. This would cut costs and give businesses access to a global talent pool.  This means businesses can

Top BPO companies in Oregon
July 18, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Oregon

Opting for business process outsourcing companies in Oregon is a great way for companies to save money. If you need to hire a worker in the USA, where the average hourly wage is around $27. In Oregon, it's about $25.

Top BPO companies in Louisiana
July 17, 2024
Top 10 BPO companies in Louisiana

Working with business process outsourcing companies in Louisiana can help you save a lot of money. For example, hiring an employee in the USA might cost around $20 per hour, but partnering up with a BPO in Louisiana can be

Top BPO Companies in Michigan
July 12, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Michigan

A BPO company can help your business save money and simultaneously scale operations. Why hire an employee in the US, where the average salary is around $52,000 per year when you can get the same or better results by outsourcing?

Top 10 BPO Companies in Phoenix
July 12, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Phoenix

If you running a business and need more help, hiring new employees in the USA is very expensive. The average salary for a customer service representative in the USA is about $36,000 per year. However, if you opt for business

Top 10 BPO companies in Tennessee
July 12, 2024
Top 10 BPO companies in Tennessee

Imagine saving money like this: hiring virtual agents in the USA costs around $25 per hour, while a skilled worker in a qualified BPO company can cost as low as [start_hr]. That's a whopping difference of $18 per hour!  Business

Top BPO Companies in California
July 11, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in California

Imagine hiring a customer support agent for just an hour! Businesses in the USA typically pay $25+ per hour for administrative tasks, while skilled workers in other countries can do the same job for a fraction of the cost,

Best Customer Service Outsourcing Companies for Your E-commerce Store
July 11, 2024
Best Customer Service Outsourcing Companies for Your E-commerce Store

Customer service is key to maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty in the e-commerce sector.  As your business’s online presence grows, so do the customer expectations, and hiring more in-house support agents means more expenses. The solution is simple: outsource your

Top BPO Companies in Charlotte
July 10, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Charlotte

Working with a BPO can save your company a lot of money. For example, hiring an employee in the USA can cost around $30 per hour. However, hiring an employee in an underdeveloped country can be as low as .

HiredSupport stands at the top among the top BPO companies in New York. Learn More.
July 10, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in New York

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a smart way for companies to save money. For example, hiring an employee in the USA costs about $60,000 per year, while hiring someone in a developing country might cost only $10,000 per year. That’s

Top BPO Companies in Florida
July 10, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Florida

Outsourcing can save a lot of money for your business. For example, hiring a customer service representative in the USA might cost you around $40,000 per year. But if you hire someone from a country like Pakistan or India, it

Top Nearshore Outsourcing Companies in Los Angeles
July 9, 2024
Top Nearshore Outsourcing Companies in Los Angeles

Nearshore outsourcing is finding customer support agents and data annotation experts from the same country where your business is registered. In this blog, we will be taking the USA as an example.  In Los Angeles, as of June 2024, the

Top Call centers in australia
June 28, 2024
Top 10 Call Centers in Australia [Updated 2024]

Call center outsourcing helps you to reduce the cost of human labor and helps you to focus on your core business operations. Consider this: In California, as of January 1, 2024, the minimum wage stands at $16 per hour. For

Top Appointment Setting Companies
June 27, 2024
Top 10 Appointment Setting Companies [Updated 2024]

Outsourcing appointment setting saves costs and helps you to focus on your core operations. If you are a business owner thinking about outsourcing appointment setting, we have found the top 10 appointment setting companies to select from. Before listing all

Top Virtual Receptionist Companies
June 26, 2024
Top 10 Virtual Receptionist Companies [Updated 2024]

A virtual receptionist company has a pool of agents that make sure that none of your customers goes unanswered. Businesses often outsource their virtual receptionist operations to these companies in order to save costs and focus on their core operations.

Top Order processing Outsourcing Companies
June 26, 2024
Top 10 Order Processing Outsourcing Companies in 2024

Order process outsourcing has significantly increased in recent years because you don’t need any skilled labor for order processes, saving a lot of costs. Compare the following rates: Cost of hiring a virtual assistant in the USA: $100,742 per annum

Top 10 Third Party Verification Companies
June 26, 2024
Top 10 Third-Party Verification Companies

Third-party verification has significantly increased in recent years because business owners don’t need skilled labor for third-party verification. In fact, according to verified-market-report, third-party verification will be valued at 64.69 Billion by 2030 with a growth rate of 10.2%. If

Top Inbound Call Center Companies
June 25, 2024
Top 10 Inbound Call Center Companies in 2024

Inbound call center outsourcing has significantly increased in recent years. In fact, according to Grand View Research, the outsourcing market size reached USD 92.93 billion in 2023 and is growing at 9.1%. If you are a business that is thinking

Top Outbound Call Center Companies
June 25, 2024
Top 10 Outbound Call Center Companies in 2024

Outsourcing sales and customer service operations to outbound call center companies helps businesses scale their operations, allowing them to grow their revenue while optimizing costs.  Companies can enjoy cost-saving and improve efficiency by teaming up with an outbound call center

Top 10 Sales Outsourcing Companies
June 25, 2024
Top 10 Sales Outsourcing Companies in 2024

Sales outsourcing has significantly increased in recent years. In fact, according to Grand View Research, the outsourcing market size has reached 28.65 billion in 2022 and is growing at the rate of 9.4%. If you are a business that is

Top Medical Billing Companies
June 24, 2024
Top Medical Billing Companies in 2024

A medical billing company helps submit and follow up on claims with health insurance providers. But finding the service provider that meets your needs is like finding a needle in a haystack, and that’s where we come in.  We have

Different Types of Data Annotation
June 14, 2024
Different Types of Data Annotation [Updated 2024]

AI has changed how businesses are done; this technology is now at the forefront of innovation and creativity. But what goes behind this technology, and how does one train an AI model such as ChatGPT? The answer is simple: Data

Top Virtual Assistant Companies
June 13, 2024
Top Virtual Assistant Companies [Updated 2024]

In the post-pandemic era, businesses have slowly eased into the concept of virtual assistants. Think of them as a professional who assists your customers without the cost of hiring an in-house resource.  In numbers, hiring a customer support agent would

Companies that Outsource Call Center Operations?
June 12, 2024
Multi-national Companies that Outsource Call Center Operations

An increasing number of businesses outsource customer support operations to call centers. In numbers, businesses can save up to 81.65% by choosing to outsource operations to call centers.  While making the decision to outsource, these companies compare the cost of

Top Lead Generation Companies
June 10, 2024
Top Lead Generation Companies in June 2024

Let’s be honest: sales and marketing are the fuel of any business. Both of them drive revenue, and with money in hand, businesses can even sustain the uncertain times. However, with the growing digital competition, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to

Top Nearshore Outsourcing Companies
June 7, 2024
Top 10 Nearshore Outsourcing Companies of 2024

When companies outsource their operations to agencies geographically close to their offices, it’s called nearshore outsourcing. By partnering with such a service provider, businesses can save up to 87% of their total costs. With the help of a nearshore outsourcing

Top 10 BPO Companies in Australia
June 4, 2024
Top 10 BPO Companies in Australia

Simply put, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is when a company delegates its internal tasks to a third-party vendor. This is done to help improve efficiency, but most importantly, it saves business costs that can be spent on expansion projects.  It’s

Top 10 Business Process outsourcing (BPO) Companies in 2024
June 4, 2024
Top 10 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Companies

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the process of outsourcing your business functions to a third party. It is an effective method to reduce cost and increase efficiency while running a business.  For example, as of January 1, 2024, the minimum

Top BPO companies in Sri-Lanka
June 4, 2024
Top 10 BPO companies in Sri-Lanka

BPO stands for business process outsourcing and it's a process of outsourcing your operational needs like customer support, data entry or marketing to a third party.  As the wages in the developed countries (i.e., USA, UK) continue to rise high,

Top BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Companies in the Philippines
June 4, 2024
Top 10 BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Companies in the Philippines

BPO industry in the Philippines is thriving on a daily basis. You can measure this by analyzing the fact that 7.5 of the Philippines GPD is comprised of outsourcing. It's a win-win situation for everyone and is bound to grow

Top 10 Business Process Outsourcing Companies (BPO) in India
June 4, 2024
Top 10 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Companies in India

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the process of outsourcing your business operations to a third party.  Business owners are always looking for opportunities to reduce the cost of their operations, and BPO gives them an opportunity to help achieve their

Top Business Process Outsourcing Companies (BPO) in the USA
June 4, 2024
Top 10 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Companies in the USA

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) helps a business reduce its operational costs by delegating tasks to a third party. For example, instead of having a full-time in-house customer support team, you outsource it to individuals with the relevant expertise. This is

Top 10 Business Processing Companies (BPO) Companies in Malaysia
June 4, 2024
Top 10 Business Process Outsourcing Companies (BPO) Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is becoming a leading choice for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) as entrepreneurs are gradually shifting their operations to the regions that are cost-effective. In 2024, the average pay rate for a skilled worker in the USA is $28 per

10 Largest Call Center Companies in 2024
June 4, 2024
10 Largest Call Center Companies in 2024

Call centers play a vital role in bridging the gap between customers and brands alike. The larger the call center, the more impact it has on the business operations. In this blog, we will explore the largest call center companies

Top 10 Offshore Outsourcing Companies in 2024
June 4, 2024
Top 10 Offshore Outsourcing Companies in 2024

Offshore outsourcing is when businesses join hands with third-party vendors based outside their home country. Such companies can help you market your product/service at lower costs than an in-house team. For example, you can hire a customer support agent from

20 Interesting Facts about Outsourcing
May 31, 2024
20 Interesting Facts about Outsourcing You Probably Didn’t Know

Since outsourcing has different categories, we decided to divide it into different sections and cover all the interesting facts about outsourcing under it. All of these stats show that there is a huge demand for outsourcing, and it's increasing every

Contractor Onboarding - What I Learned in 10 Years
May 24, 2024
Contractor Onboarding – What I Learned in 10 Years

As the president of a leading outsourcing company, I have dealt with numerous contracts over a period of 10 years.  From my experience, mishandling your onboarding contracts can subject you to many legal consequences and may also put your business

Top 10 Most Affordable Call Centers in 2024
May 23, 2024
Top 10 Affordable Call Centers in 2024

When it comes to the affordability of call centers, there’s no better solution than to outsource to a country with lesser wages. Compare the following rates: Cost of hiring a virtual assistant in the USA: $100,742 per annum Cost of

Top 10 Technical Support Outsourcing Companies in 2024
May 22, 2024
Top 10 Technical Support Outsourcing Companies in 2024

You're about to discover the crème de la crème of tech support outsourcing companies. These industry leaders are not just solving problems; they're elevating businesses to new heights.  Ready to revolutionize your tech support?  Dive into our list of the